1. 2023 The 5th Central European Biomedical Congress (CEBC) Kraków, Poland. The olfactory bulb drives NMDA receptor antagonist fast oscillations in the piriform cortex in freely moving rats. Jacek Wróbel, Władysław Średniawa, Daniel K. Wójcik, Mark J. Hunt
2. 2023 16th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society Toruń, Poland. NMDA antagonist enhanced-high frequency oscillations (130-180Hz) in the piriform cortex are driven by the olfactory bulb in freely moving rats. Jacek Wróbel, Władysław Średniawa, Daniel K. Wójcik, Mark J. Hunt
3. 2023 7th International PhD Student Conference at the Nencki Institute, Warsaw, Poland. MK801-enhanced high-frequency oscillations in the piriform cortex are driven by the olfactory bulb in the freely moving rats. Jacek Wróbel, Daniel K. Wójcik, Mark J. Hunt
4. 2023 PTBUN - Short-lasting anosmia in rats after gadolinium infusion to the nares: Preliminary findings. Wiktoria Podolecka and Mark Jeremy Hunt.
5. 2023 Nencki PhD student conference - Short-lasting anosmia in rats after gadolinium infusion to the nares: Preliminary findings. Wiktoria Podolecka and Mark Jeremy Hunt.
6. 2022 Neurons in Action - Preliminary findings: short-lasting anosmia after gadolinium infusion to the nares in rats. Wiktoria Podolecka and Mark Jeremy Hunt.
7. 2022 Aspects of neuroscience - Ketamine-dependent HFO in the rat brain are driven by changes in nasal air pressure. Wiktoria Podolecka, Jacek Wróbel and Mark Jeremy Hunt.
8. 2022 Neuronus 2022 IBRO NEUROSCIENCE FORUM Kraków, Poland. Reversible inhibition of the olfactory bulb reduces MK801-enhaced high-frequency oscillations (130-180Hz) in the piriform cortex. Jacek Wróbel, Władysław Średniawa, Daniel K. Wójcik, Mark J. Hunt
9. 2022 The 6th International PhD Student Conference at the Nencki Institute, Warsaw, Poland. Reversible inhibition of the olfactory bulb reduces MK801-enhaced high-frequency oscillations (130-180Hz) in the piriform cortex. Jacek Wróbel, Władysław Średniawa, Daniel K. Wójcik, Mark J. Hunt.
10. 2021 The 5th International PhD Student Conference at the Nencki Institute, Warsaw, Poland. Nasal respiration drives ketamine‐dependent high frequency oscillations (130-180 Hz) in freely moving rats. Jacek Wróbel, Władysław Średniawa, Daniel Wójcik, Mark Jeremy Hunt.
11. Wróbel J., Średniawa W., Bernatowicz G., Żygierewicz J., Kasicki S., Wójcik D.K., Hunt M.J. Nasal respiration is necessary for the emergence of aberrant oscillatory activity and behavioural hyperactivity in the ketamine model of psychosis. NEURONUS IBRO Neuroscience Forum, Krakow, Poland (2020)
12. Władysław Średniawa, Jacek Wróbel, Miles Whittington, Daniel Wójcik, Mark Jeremy Hunt. HFO under ketamine-xylazine anesthesia are coupled to large current sources and nasal respiration: a proposed mechanism for the generation of HFO after NMDAR blockade. 14th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Katowice, Poland (2019)
13. Jacek J. Wróbel, Władysław Średniawa, Miles A. Whittington, Daniel K. Wójcik, Mark J. Hunt. Nasal respiration is critical for ketamine-induced high frequency oscillations and hyperactivity. 14th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Katowice, Poland (2019)
14. Władysław Średniawa, Jacek Wróbel, Miles Whittington, Daniel Wójcik, Mark Hunt, Mechanism of HFO (high frequency oscillations) in the olfactory bulb: Implications for the NMDA receptor hypofunction model of schizophrenia. Neurons in Action, Warsaw, Poland (2019)
15. Władysław Średniawa, Jacek Wróbel, Miles Whittington, Daniel Wójcik, Mark Hunt. Nasal respiration drives 80-130 Hz oscillations in the olfactory bulb of ketamine-xylazine anesthetised rats: Implications for the NMDA receptor hypofunction model of schizophrenia, Society for Neuroscience 2019, Chicago USA (2019)
16. Jacek J. Wróbel, Władysław Średniawa, Miles A. Whittington, Daniel K. Wójcik, Mark J. Hunt. Nasal Respiration Drives High Frequency Oscillations after Ketamine in the Rat Olfactory Bulb. Society for Neuroscience 2019, Chicago USA (2019)
17. Jacek J. Wróbel, Władysław Średniawa, Miles A. Whittington, Daniel K. Wójcik, Mark J. Hunt. The critical role of nasal respiration in driving HFO (130-180 Hz) and hyperactivity in the NMDAR model of psychosis in freely moving rats. 3rd Czech-Polish Psychopharmacology Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic (2019)
18. MJ. Hunt, M. Olszewski, J. Piasecka M. Whittington and S. Kasicki. The ventral tegmental area is involved in the generation of high frequency oscillations in the NMDA receptor antagonist model of schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience meeting, San Diego, USA (2016).
19. Olszewski M, Piasecka J, Whittington MA, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. Clozapine, glycine and NMDA all reduce the frequency of high frequency oscillations in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving mice. Polish Neuroscience Congress, Gdansk, Poland (2015).
20. Piasecka J, Olszewski M, Whittington MA, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. Involvement of the ventral tegmental area in the generation of high frequency oscillations in the NMDAR hypofunction model of schizophrenia. Polish Neuroscience Congress, Gdansk, Poland (2015).
21. Górski T, Hunt M, Kasicki S, Wójcik DK Anomalous decay of power of high frequency oscillations (HFO) with distance from the source. Polish Neuroscience Congress, Gdansk, Poland (2015).
22. Hall S, Hunt M, Simon A, Cunnington L, Carracedo L, Schofield I, Forsyth R, Traub RD, Whittington MA. Unbalanced peptidergic inhibition in superficial neocortex underlies spike and wave seizure activity. P1-B-031. British Neuroscience Association, 12-15 April, Edinburgh, UK (2015).
23. Hunt MJ, Olszewski M, Piasecka J, Whittington MA, Kasicki S. Effects of NMDAR antagonists and antipsychotic drugs on high frequency oscillations recorded in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving mice. P1-F-039. British Neuroscience Association, 12-15 April, Edinburgh, UK (2015).
24. Goda SA, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. Abnormal high frequency oscillations in the nucleus accumbens in the MAM developmental rat model of schizophrenia. Poster: 43rd SFN annual meeting, Nov 9th - 13th, San Diego, USA. (2013).
25. Goda SA, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. Accumbal spontaneous high frequency oscillations are altered in the developmental rat model of schizophrenia. Poster: Neuronus, IBRO IRUN neuroscience forum, May 9th -11th, Krakow, Poland (2012).
26. Goda SA, Olszewski M, Piasecka P, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. Antipsychotics modulate the gamma and high frequency oscillations in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats. Poster: 8th FENS forum of neuroscience meeting, July 14th-18th, Barcelona, Spain (2012).
27. Goda SA, Piasecka J, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. Psychedelic hallucinogens dose-dependently increase the power of high frequency oscillations (130-180 Hz) in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats. Talk: Neuronus, IBRO IRUN neuroscience forum, Apr. 20th -22nd, Krakow, Poland (2012).
28. Hunt MJ, Olszewski M, Wrobel A, Kasicki S, Enhancement of high-frequency oscillations in the rodent nucleus accumbens: a new feature of the NMDA receptor antagonist model of schizophrenia. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, USA (2011).
29. Hunt MJ, Olszewski M, Dias A, Kasicki S. Antipsychotic Compounds Modulate High-Frequency Oscillations in the NMDA Receptor Antagonist Rat Model of Schizophrenia. British Neuroscience Society, Harrogate UK (2011).
30. Goda SA, Olszewski M, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on oscillatory activity recorded in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of awake rats. Poster: 4th International Conference on Schizophrenia; Sep. 21st - 23rd, Chennai, India (2010).
31. Nowak K, Meyza K, Nikolaev E, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. Local blockade of NMDA receptors in the rodent prefrontal cortex increases c-fos expression in multiple limbic regions. Federation of European Neurosciences, Amsterdam, Holland (2010).
32. Hunt MJ, Nowak K, Matuleuwicz P, Kasicki S. Bilateral infusion of MK801 to the rat medial prefrontal cortex enhances high-frequency oscillations in the nucleus accumbens. Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum, Hong Kong (2010).
33. Nowak K, Meyza K, Kasicki S, Hunt MJ. Local blockade of NMDA receptors in the rodent prefrontal cortex modifies oscillatory activity and c-fos expression in the nucleus accumbens. Polish Society for Neuroscience Congress, Warsaw, Poland (2009).
34. Hunt MJ, Matulewicz P, Gottesmann C, Kasicki S. State-dependent modification of high-frequency oscillations in the rodent nucleus accumbens. Polish Society for Neuroscience Congress, Warsaw, Poland (2009).
35. Hunt MJ, Falinska M, Leski S, Wojcik D, Kasicki S. Evidence for regionally specific changes in high-frequency oscillations after injection of ketamine. Polish Society for Neuroscience Congress, Warsaw, Poland (2009).
36. Hunt MJ and Kasicki S. Bilateral microinjection of MK801 to the nucleus accumbens induces high frequency oscillations (150 Hz) in freely moving rats. Society for Neuroscience Congress, San Diego, USA (2007).
37. Hunt MJ, Raynaud B, Garcia R. Ketamine induces high-frequency oscillations in the nucleus accumbens associated with locomotor activity Society for Neuroscience, Washington, USA (2005).
38. Hunt MJ and Garcia R. High-frequency oscillations in the nucleus accumbens are induced by ketamine but not amphetamine. British Neuroscience Association meeting, Brighton, UK (2005).
39. Hunt MJ and Garcia R. Ketamine induces high-frequency oscillations in the nucleus accumbens. Society for Neuroscience Congress, San Diego, USA (2004).
40. Hunt MJ, Kessal K, Garcia R. Ketamine induces long-term depression in the nucleus accumbens in vivo. Federation of the European Neuroscience Associations, Lisbon, Portugal (2004).
41. Hodges AK, Lewis PD, Hunt MJ, Dunnett SB, Jones L Morton AJ. Differential gene expression in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease with improved cognitive function as a result of a combination drug treatment. Gordon Conference, USA (2003).